VMS / OpenVMS Rdb to Postgres and Oracle DB

Rdb SQLMOD to embedded SQL for Postgres ECPG and Oracle Pro*C for Migration to x86 Intel Linux OR Client Server on VMS / OpenVMS

Sector7 VX/SQLCC is a migration tool that converts Rdb SQLMOD procedures into functionally equivalent Postgres or Oracle embedded SQL in C (ECPG or Pro*C), enabling VMS / OpenVMS applications to directly access Postgres or Oracle databases hosted on Linux

VX/PF2PC transforms Pro*Fortran source code to Fortran using Pro*C

VX/ForSQL is a utility that converts the Oracle SQL calls in a pro*Fortran program to pro*C procedures stored in an SQLPC modules. VX/PF2PC also modifies the Fortran code to call the new pro*C procedures, so that in one step, pro*Fortran code is converted to Fortran code calling pro*C procedures.