VX/DECForms is an implementation of DEC's VMS / OpenVMS Forms Management System for Linux/Windows. VX/DECForms provides identical form management on Linux and Windows as the original DECForms on VMS / OpenVMS. VX/DECForms is a library of FORMS$ API's which take identical arguments compared to DECFor,s on VMS / OpenVMS.
VX/DECForms compiles the IFDL into a C++ logic subroutine which follows the flow of the IFDL, however, the IFDL verbs are turned into C++ classes that keep the same names and the same 'Attributes' as the IFDL.
The C++ Classes emit ANSI codes just like DECForms. DECForms is so complicated that we do not try to enhance its functionality, our goal is a 100% functional emulation. We have succeed when a user sits at a Sector7 DECForms migrated screen and cannot tell the difference.
VX/DECFORMS Compiler will compile (*almost) all DECFORMS syntax and in addition compiles in the processed CDO defintions.
** currently right to left is not supported.
vx/decforms can also display your decform in an HˇML5 browser window.
USER ESCAPES (PUR's) are procedures written by the user in any DEC-supported programming language. UARs are associated with forms and fields during the creation of form data structures and are automatically called by the Form Driver under the following conditions: When processing for a field is finished Before and after processing the terminal operator's help request When the terminal operator presses a function key When a screen refresh operation is requested The Form Driver transfers program control to the UAR under the circumstances defined. The UAR has a parameter string of 80 characters (defined as part of the form) to get processing information and the current Form Driver context.
PUE's on VX/DECForms behave identically to thse on VMS / OpenVMS PLUS some extensions. As the IFDL is converted to maintainable C++, you have the ability to link external routines directly into thE 'compiled' IFDL.