You have reached a summary for the comand section of the VX/RT VMS / OpenVMS to x86 Linux migration tool kit. Click HERE to go to the main DCL for Linux and Windows command shell.
VX/DCL VMS / OpenVMS DCL Command Line Interpreter Shell for Linux and Windows. VX/DCL is an implementation of DEC's VMS Digital Command Language for Linux/Windows. VX/DCL allows you to use the VMS commands that you are familiar with on Linux/Windows systems. Your command scripts (. COM files) will run on the new platform. VX/DCL supports VMS / OpenVMS LOGICALS, SYMBOLS, LEXICALS, COMMANDS, with a complete API set.
VX/SOR .is a full implementation of VMS / OpenVMS SORT/MERGE from the SOR$ API set, the VX/DCL shell and also from the Linux shell. VX/SOR uses multi-file MERGE SORT techniques with quick-sort enhancements. VX/SOR call compatible library which prives the calleable interface for SOR$: SOR$BEGIN_SORT, SOR$END_SORT, SOR$INIT_SORT, SOR$MERGE, SOR$PASS_FILES, SOR$RELEASE_REC, SOR$RETURN_REC, SOR$SORT_MERGE, SOR$SPEC_FILE, SOR$STAT
VX/JSP supports most of the VMS / OpenVMS Print and Batch queueing sysyem Command and Sub Commands and also SYS$GETQUI(W), $GETSNDJBC(W). Generic Queue's are supported.
VX/CDL is a compiler for the VMS / OpenVMS Command Line Definition utility that extends the DCL verbs and qualifiers.
VX/MMS Is a MMS system for Linux and Windows. VX/MMS provides 3 functions. (1) Converts MMS scripts to XML and the user can parse the XML to produce output for whatever build system they are using (2) MMS to XML to Linux 'make' (3) Execute MMS scripts on Linux to build thE aPplication.
VX/MSG is a an OpenVS Compatible Message Compiler for Linux and Windows. Takes the VMS / OpenVMS Message File, Compiles it to a 'Indexed' form, Emit C, COBOL, Fortran or PASCAL Constant Headrs and Symbolic Definitions.
VX/LBR is a command line and API (LBR$) callabe interface on Linux and Windows.
VX/FDL is a command line for FDL$ commands.