All of the Migration Tools to enable your VMS / OpenVMS application to execute unchanged on x86 Linux and Windows


Our approach centers around our Vx/Tools migration tool kit. Vx/Tools consists of VMS / OpenVMS extended language translators VMS / OpenVMS replacement Layered Products, File Systems, Form and Screen managers & Transaction Managers. The Sector7 ToolKit was created in 1987 and is trusted by some of the world most critical systems.

VMS / OpenVMS FORTRAN, BASIC, C, COBOL, PASCAL Migration for x86 Intel Red Hat, Suse Linux

Vx/Tools consists of VMS / OpenVMS extended language translators which automatically convert the VMS / OpenVMS 3GL to the ANSI equivalent or to C/C++. Vx/Tools language converters include BASIC, C, COBOL, Fortran and PASCAL (MACRO-32 offered as a service).


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VMS / OpenVMS FORTRAN, BASIC, C, COBOL, PASCAL Callable API for x86 Intel Linux and Windows

Vx/Tools Provides Language Specific callable API's BAS$, VAXC$, COB$, For$ and PAS$.


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VMS / OpenVMS Callable System API's for x86 Intel Red Hat, Suse Linux

VX/RT Call Compatible VMS / OpenVMS System Sertvices:CLI$ , CONV$ , EDT$ , LBR$ , LIB$ , MTH$ , OTS$ , SOR$ , STR$ , SYS$, FORMS$ , SMG$, FDV$


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VMS / OpenVMS RMS, FDL, Rdb, Sqlmod for x86 Intel Red Hat, Suse Linux

Vx/Tools has extensive migration tools for Rdb and Sqlmod. VX/Tools also contains VX/RMS an VMS / OpenVMS RMS compatible file System for Linux and Windows, VX/FDL are the needed components of DEC's File Description Language. VX/SQLMOD is an Rdb SQLMOD to Oracle Pro*C Translator.


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VMS / OpenVMS Forms and Screen Managers (SMG, FMS, TDMS, DECForms)

VX/SMG provides SMG capability on Linux and Windows (SMG$). VX/FMS provides FMS compatibility (Forms Compiler and FDV$ runtime). VX/TDMS provides TDMS capability on Linux and Windows (Form Compiler and runtime (TSS$), VX/DECFORMS provides DEC Forms capability of Linux and Windows (IFDL to C++, FORMS$ API's).

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VMS / OpenVMS Editors for x86 Intel Linux and Windows

VX/TPU provides TPU editing on Linux and Windows


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VMS / OpenVMS Transaction Managers (ACMS, RTR) & Communications for x86 Intel Linux and Windows

VX/ACMS VMS / OpenVMS ACMS to Tuxedo Converter (TDF). VX/RTR VMS / OpenVMS V2 RTR to V3 RTR with VMS / OpenVMS AST's and API's. VX/DMQ DecMessageQ Q interface (PAMS) for Oracle MQ.


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